Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Ineptitude Of The American Dream Essays - The Great Gatsby
The Ineptitude of the American Dream The American dream has scarcely changed over the previous century. The American dream has not changed on the grounds that the individuals have not changed. The American dream speaks to a hypothesis that numerous individuals follow. They have confidence in this hypothesis and consolidate it inside their lives. Most accept that one must get affluent so as to meet achievement. The American dream is near turning out to be reality since individuals have brought it up until this point. Scratch Carraway, the storyteller of F. Scott Fitzgerald's epic, The Great Gatsby, dissects the authenticity of this guideline through the inescapable ruin of Jay Gatsby. The tale happens during the thundering twenties in two well-off Long Island neighborhoods. The individuals in these areas describe the triviality and haughtiness that twists the American dream. Fitzgerald uses this condition and its kin to inspect the negative characteristics of the American dream. Fitzgerald depicts two neighborhoods, East Egg and West Egg, to show the gradually developing defilement of the American dream. East Egg houses old cash sophisticates, while West Egg suits the less stylish new cash types. The evident contrasts cause the two neighborhoods to build up a clear rivalry. The various neighborhoods are associated through the characters getting entrapped with one another. Both Carraway and his affluent yet strange neighbor, Jay Gatsby, live in West Egg. Carraway lives in a humble little house, which is dominated by Gatsby's luxurious home. In his wonderful estate, Gatsby enjoys an over the top and overstated way of life including many luxurious gatherings. In his blue nurseries men and young ladies traveled every which way like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars (43). Gatsby believes his anomalous riches and height to be the way to recover his one genuine affection, Daisy Buchanan. Daisy's air of riches and benefit pull in Gatsby's consideration and slow fixation. Gatsby understands that his own ability for trust caused Daisy to appear to be perfect to him. He doesn't understand that he is seeking after a picture that has no obvious, enduring worth. This acknowledgment would have made the world appear to be completely unique to Gatsby, similar to another world, material without being genuine, where poor apparitions, breathing dreams like air, floated randomly around (169). Daisy and her unfaithful spouse Tom live in an enormous East Egg house legitimately opposite Gatsby's home. Gatsby aches for Daisy's adoration, yet never appears to have her completely. In this circumstance, Gatsby's fate with Daisy turns into his individual form of the American dream. He had made considerable progress to this blue garden and his fantasy probably appeared to be near such an extent that he could scarcely neglect to get a handle on it (189). When Gatsby meets with Daisy in his own home, he effectively intrigues her with his rich home and lavish estate. Gatsby doesn't perceive that Daisy's picture of the American dream has been so obscure by the triviality of her environmental factors. To Daisy, the most amazing part of Gatsby is his over the top measure of silk shirts. They're such excellent shirts, she cried, her voice stifled in the thick overlays. It makes me tragic on the grounds that I've never observed such?such excellent shirts (98). Daisy can underestimate her position and she becomes for Gatsby, the pith of all that he designed Jay Gatsby to accomplish. As Nick understands, Gatsby's fantasies have been discolored by the individuals that encompass him, it is the thing that went after Gatsby, what foul residue glided in the wake he had always wanted that incidentally finished off my enthusiasm for the unsuccessful distresses and short-winded delights of men (6). These individuals accept that by encircle themselves with material solaces, they are experiencing the purported American dream. The characters are enticed by the mixed up conviction that cash approaches self-esteem. As a general rule, they are taunting themselves and in some cases deluding each other. Anything can happen since we've slid over this extension... anything at all... (73). Scratch accepts that the American dream can in any case occur even in Manhattan, yet the individuals are the ones who control what turns out. In a very much fanned Forty-second Street basement (73), Nick meets Gatsby for lunch with one of Gatsby's partners, Meyer Wolfsheim. Scratch is stunned when he discovers that Wolfsheim arranged the fixing of the World Series. The thought stunned me. I recollected
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Huck Finn :: essays research papers
Experiences of Huckleberry Finn The struggle among society and the individual is a significant subject depicted all through Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Numerous individuals consider Huckleberry To be as an insidious kid who is a terrible impact to other people. Huck isn't brought up in concurrence with the acknowledged ways of development. He for all intents and purposes raises himself, depending on nature to control him through life. As observed a few times in the novel, Huck decides to follow his inborn feeling of right, yet he doesn't understand that his own senses are more directly than those of society. Society will not acknowledge Huck as he is and won't change its suppositions about him until he is transformed and acculturated. The Widow Douglas what's more, Miss Watson attempt to "sivilize" Huck by making him stop the entirety of his propensities, for example, smoking. They attempt to turn around the entirety of his lessons from the initial twelve long periods of his life and power him to turn into their cliché great kid. Nonetheless, from the earliest starting point of the novel, Huck unmistakably expresses that he wouldn't like to adjust to society. "The Widow Douglas she took me for her child, and permitted she would sivilize me...I got into my old clothes and my sugar hogshead once more, and was free and satisfied." (page 1) Huck says this not long after he starts living with the Widow Douglas since it is unpleasant for him to be limited to a house and the exacting guidelines of the Widow Douglas. Huck’s father, a grimy and unscrupulous alcoholic, was likewise an issue. He was irate to the point that his child could peruse, that he seriously beat him and afterward constrained him to remain in a detached lodge. Huck at that point devises an arrangement to get away what's more, heads down stream were he collaborates with Jim, a runaway slave. The subject turns out to be much progressively clear once Huck and Jim set out down the Mississippi. As they run from development and are on the waterway, they contemplate the social shameful acts constrained upon them when they are ashore. The stream never minds how principled they are, the manner by which rich they are, or what society considers them. The waterway permits Huck the one thing that Huck needs to be, what's more, that is Huck. Huck makes the most of his undertakings on the pontoon. He lean towards the opportunity of the wild to the limitation of society. Also, Huck's acknowledgment of Jim is an all out disobedience of society. Society naturally observes a dark individual, and considerably further, slaves, as second rate. They never consider slaves people, just as property.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Post-SIPA plans and wisdom from an (almost) alumna COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Post-SIPA plans and wisdom from an (almost) alumna COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I’ll be graduating this month, so I figured I should wrap up my time at SIPA with a blog post about my post-SIPA plans and some lessons I’ve learned from SIPA and NYC in general. After graduation, I’ll be joining the US Foreign Service as an entry level economic officer, representing the United States abroad. My time at SIPA has definitely been challenging, but I’ve been able to meet some of the most amazing things and have access to the most incredible experiences. I don’t miss it all quite yet, but I’m sure I will very soon. Here are the top five takeaways from my SIPA experience. 1. Don’t sweat the small stuff SIPA is hard and A LOT of work. If you’re a bit of a Type A person like I am (and you probably are if you follow the admissions blog), not getting my money’s worth out of SIPA was a serious point of anxiety. I wanted to make sure I did EVERY reading, took as many classes with as many different professors as I could, have an internship every semester, and be involved in as many student orgs as possible. After about a month of doing the absolute most (and essentially living in Lehman Library), I realized that I can’t maximize my experience if I’m missing the forest for the trees. It’s okay if you don’t do all the reading, or go to every event or happy hour. Sometimes it’s not physically possible to it all, and you’re better off picking what’s important to you and making the most of those experiences rather than trying to spread yourself so thin. 2. Challenge yourself to try new things Many of us come into SIPA with a strong idea of our expertise and interests, which we, of course, planned to explore at SIPA. While it’s, of course, great to delve deeper into a strength, I would also recommend trying to work on your weaknesses as well as trying out some new things you’ve never considered. In my case, I came to school planning to study international conflict resolution and to become as close to an East Asia regional specialist as SIPA would allow, but while here I found myself gravitating toward the gender classes and focusing more on Southeast Asiaâ€"I region I knew very little about before coming here. Taking those classes were definitely one of the best choices I made at SIPA because it allowed me to expand my horizons and my expertise. 3. Playing hard and having fun is just as important as good grades This goes hand in hand with my first piece of advice. One of SIPA’s main selling points (for me at least) was its location in New York City and access to all the amazing things the city has to offer. Thus, if you’re constantly stressed about getting the A+ in every class you’ll be missing out on not only great parts of your SIPA experience but the New York experience as well. Your SIPA classmates are some of the most accomplished and coolest people you’ll ever meet, so you should really take the time to get to know them outside of your macro problem-set group and Conceptual Foundations discussion section. Think of it this way, when you’ve finally graduated what will be more helpful in the long run: the A you got in quant, or the network you’ve made along the way? This is not to say that grades aren’t important (it goes without saying that they are) but again, don’t miss the big picture by focusing too hard on the details. 4. Use all the resources available to you, and ask for help when you need it There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, and you should never be embarrassed to do so. SIPA’s a tough school, and we each have different areas of expertise. Not everyone is an econ or quant whiz and not everyone can write ‘A’ quality 25-page papers in 24 hours. The key is to know your strengths AND your weaknesses, and how to supplement your weak points. If econ or quant isnt your thing, make sure you go to your favorite TA’s office hours, tutoring sessions and recitation (you can also go directly to the professor). If your writing is a bit weak, make sure you check out the writing lab and get your papers proofread far in advance so you can make the necessary changes. Being too proud to ask for help hurts no one but yourself. 5. You’re not an imposter You’ve earned the right to be here! Whether you’re straight from undergrad, a career changer, an older student or somewhere in between, your experiences are no better or worse than any other student’s. That’s what’s so great about SIPAâ€" we get to hear from a broad range of experiences from different countries and sectors. There’s no “perfect†Seeple, because we’re ALL the perfect Seeple.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Cugo Research Paper - 1652 Words
26 | fall 2017 Just 90 miles off Florida , s eastern shores lies an island with over 11 million people who remain a mystery to most Americans. For nearly six decades, the U.S. government has restricted travel and trade to Cuba, permitting only educational exchangesâ€â€which is exactly what brought photography major Sarah Schecker, NYU, to the country in summer 2016. Studying under noted Cuban photographer Adrian Fernandez, Sarah’s project chronicles the life of 4-year-old Kevin Alejandro. â€Å"There are not many pictures of kids in Cuba,†she says. â€Å"I wanted to see life in Communist Cuba from a child’s perspective.†Kevin lives with his aunt and his mother in Havana’s iconic edificio Arcos apartment building. Since his friends are older and in†¦show more content†¦But Iva is the kind of entrepreneur who doesn’t let such facts stop her. In 2010, she launched a men’s sock brandâ€â€Richer Poorer Socksâ€â€with a business partner in California. â€Å"We just went for it. We talked about the idea in spring of 2010 and we were in stores by December of that year,†Iva says. â€Å"We dove into the deep end of the pool and learned to swim and then we hustled from there.†The company grew organically for about two years with products placed in about 200 stores across the country. Then, they brought in private investors, got acquired in 2015, but ended up pulling the company back to private investment in 2016. â€Å"It has been quite the crazy journey. I hadn’t started a business from scratch before and I very much had that need.†With a bit of luck, Richer Poorer hit its stride as the patterned sock trend was taking off across the country, Iva says. Attributing their success to topquality designs and high-quality products at an attainable price point, Iva says she was learning on the go, having spent her career in the women’s accessories arena previously. â€Å"I knew nothing about the men’s apparel side at all, but I liked that it was a smaller space †¦ and we got lucky that the market was starting to understand why socks were a category
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels - 1664 Words
Although Gullivers Travels by Jonathan Swift has long been thought of as a childrens story, it is actually a dark satire on the fallacies of human nature. The four parts of the book are arranged in a planned sequence, to show Gullivers optimism and lack of shame with the Lilliputians, decaying into his shame and disgust with humans when he is in the land of the Houyhnhmns. The Brobdingnagians are more hospitable than the Lilliputians, but Gullivers attitude towards them is more disgusted and bitter. Gullivers tone becomes even more critical of the introspective people of Laputa and Lagado, and in Glubbdubdrib he learns the truth about modern man. Gulliver finds the Luggnuggians to be a quot;polite and generous peoplequot; (III,†¦show more content†¦Gulliver’s attitude towards the Lilliputians shows that he has respect for humanity, no matter how small, even though the respect is not returned. In contrast to the tiny, petty Lilliputians, the Brobdingnagians are huge and unexpectedly docile. Gulliver’s expectation when he sees the first Brobdingnagian is rather pessimistic: â€Å" For, as human Creatures are observed to be more Savage and cruel in Proportion to their Bulk; what could I expect but to be a Morsel in the Mouth of the first among these enormous Barbarians who should happen to seize me?†(II, 66). Gulliver’s expectations turn out to be the opposite, for he is treated as an object of wonder, instead of food. Even though they are more cordial than the trivial Lilliputians, Gulliver notices more flaws in the Brobdingnagians, namely in the defects of their skin. By noticing this, Gulliver has in effect become as petty as the Lilliputians, because the outside of a person is the most trivial aspect to their much larger nature. Gulliver also behaves in a more shameful way about his bodily functions around the Brobdingnagians, for while he shameless ly urinates on the palace in Lilliput, in Brobdingnag he hides in a sorrel leaf. Perhaps Gulliver’s attitude is a result of the dehumanizing way in which he feels small and insignificant in an otherwise huge world. His feeling of insignificance is magnified by the manner in which he is handled: as a toy, aShow MoreRelatedJonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels1210 Words  | 5 Pages The definition of a utopia is an imagined place or state in which everything is perfect. In book four of Gulliver’s travels Gulliver discovers a group of people called the Houyhnhnms and the group displays qualities of a possible utopia. The Houyhnhnms are very rational in their thinking, and try their best to stay away from entertainment and vanity. However the Houyhnhnms could not be considered creators of a utopia because they emphasized unrealistic rules and because of their treatment ofRead MoreLockean Philosophy in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels3527 Words  | 15 PagesAn Exploration of Lockean Philosophy in Gullivers Travels            Ricardo Quintana asserts in his study Two Augustans that even though Swift as a traditional philosophical realist dismissed Lockian empiricism with impatience, he recognized in Lockian political theory an enforcement of his own convictions (76). It may be argued, however, than when two contemporary authors, such as Locke and Swift, are shaped within the same matrix of cultural forces and events, they reveal through theirRead More English Society and Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels Essay1195 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish Society Exposed in Gullivers Travels             In Gullivers Travels, Swift takes us to many places that serve as a looking glass for the foibles of English society, but none of the places are as severe a censure of men as Houyhnhnmland. Here Swift has made a clear division of pure reason, embodied in the Houyhnhnms (maybe he was refering to horse sense), and raw passion, embodied in the Yahoos (which are coincidentally very manlike). Here Gulliver has to make the choiceRead MoreJonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels Essay4237 Words  | 17 PagesMadame Bovoary In the writings of the Jonathan Swift we can clearly see issues and concepts with regard to morality, ethics and relations come into play in our society and in Gullivers Travels, Swift brings those issues to the for front for everyone to see and analyze. The very concepts and beliefs that man holds dear Swift attacks and strongly justifies his literary aggression thought the construct of the society of the Houyhnahnms who truly leads a just and humane society that we as humansRead MoreEssay on Satirical Patterns in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels932 Words  | 4 Pages Gulliver’s Travels: Satirical Patterns      Jonathan Swift wrote a novel in 1776 called Gulliver’s Travels. This novel along with all of his other writing followed a satirical pattern. Because of Swift’s vast knowledge in politics he was capable of creating a masterpiece completely ridiculing the government found in England. In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift brings us, the readers, to join him on journeys to worlds of complete nonsense. These worlds are different ways that allow for SwiftRead MoreJonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels and Voltaires Candide: An Analysis739 Words  | 3 PagesThe author Joseph Conrad once remarked, Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. In analyzing Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels and Voltaires Candide, it is intriguing and revealing how these male authors deal with women. Through understanding how these seminal works portray women one can gain the literary criticism tools to examine similar social issues in other texts. In Candide, there are repeated accounts of the sexual exploitation ofRead MoreEssay on Use of Satire in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels729 Words  | 3 PagesEffective Use of Satire in Gullivers Travelsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Jonathan Swifts story, Gullivers Travels, is a very clever story. It recounts the fictitious journey of a fictitious man named Lemuel Gulliver, and his travels to the fantasy lands of Lilliput, Brobdinag, Laputa, and Houyhnhmn land. When one first reads his accounts in each of these lands, one may believe that they are reading humorous accounts of fairy-tale-like lands that are intended to amuseRead More Personal Identity in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels Essay1756 Words  | 8 PagesIdentity in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels What establishes a person’s identity? What changes this personal identity? Psychologically, we have the ability to change our beliefs. Physically, our human bodies change. How do we frame the issue to better understand man’s inability to decipher his own self-identity, and more importantly, how do we know when and precisely where this change in identity occurs? Issues of personal identity are apparent in Gulliver’s Travels, by Jonathan Swift. GulliverRead MoreFigurative Language In The Third Book Of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels1579 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"And though I (†¦) understand all mysteries and all knowledge and have no charity, I am nothing.†/St Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, 13, 2 / Each of the four books of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels discusses one aspect of human nature. The discussions’ language is rather satirical than an earnest tone. The first book is about the physical aspect, the voyage to Brobdingnag focuses on the â€Å"Homo politicus†, the political man. The third book is about intellect, while in the landRead More Civil Laws and Religious Authority in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels1269 Words  | 6 PagesCivil Laws and Religious Authority in Gullivers Travels     In part one of Gullivers Travels, Swift present readers with an inverted world, not only by transplanting Gulliver to a land thats only a twelfth the size (a literal microcosm), but also by placing him into a society with different ethical and civil laws. Swift uses these inversions not only to entertain the readers imagination, but more importantly, to transform our perspectives to understand alien worldviews (e.g. in part four
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bio-Weapons Free Essays
Chlorine gas was used during the war a lot. Chlorine gas was first used April 22 191 5 at leper in Belgium. There were many ways of use of the gas for example; artillery shells, mortar projectiles, aerial bombs tank sprays and landmines were used to spread the chemicals around. We will write a custom essay sample on Bio-Weapons or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the Cold War the United Stated and Russia had enough chemical weapons to wipeout most animal and plant life on earth. Blologlcal weapons were deployed In various ways to gain strategic or tactical advantage over an advisory. The united States developed an anti-crop capability that used bio-herbicides or myco-herbicides to destroy enemy agriculture. Fisheries and water-based vegetation was also targeted. Wheat blast and rice blast were weaoponized in aerial tanks and cluster bombs to deliver to enemy water sheds. Even though herbicides are chemicals they are grouped with biological warfare and chemical warfare because they work the same as blotoxlns and ioregulators. Japan poisoned Chinese water wells to study how many people got Typhus and other diseases. Germany also used bioweapons at the beginning of the Second World War. Oplnlon/Crltlque: In my opinion bioweapons were both good and bad but I think that they were mostly bad. The bad toxins that are Inside somebody can get Into their genes and be passed on to their child If they have any. If there Is a child and one of the parents have toxins in them the child can come out looking deformed and mutated. How to cite Bio-Weapons, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Global Health Impacts of Water Pollution -
Question: Discuss about the Global Health Impacts of Water Pollution. Answer: Introduction The environment plays a crucial role in determining the health factors of the global population. Today there are lots of advocacy programs and campaigns to ensure the welfare of the environment especially under the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Water is part of the physical environment and yet a very paramount health determinant for the population as stated by Wang et al 1. Access to clean water for drinking and general use is one of the priorities of the WHO among other individual governments that have made it a millennial goal. In fact, adequate clean and fresh water supply for drinking is currently a basic need for every human being according to Hogan 2. However, statistical records indicate that a section of the world population is deprived of this need. The current sustained threat on freshwater resources across the world includes not only over-exploitation and/or poor water management but also environmental pollution i.e. water pollution as stated in Kponee et al 3. There are several causes of fresh water pollution and these include untreated waste discharge into water bodies, crude dumping of industrial effluents in fresh water bodies, agricultural field run-off, chemicals among others. While industrial growth and urbanization are paramount factors in promoting economic growth, they are the key contributors of the increasing synthetic organic substance use which leads to the pollution of freshwater bodies. Developing countries in particular suffer the health impacts of water pollution as a result of chemical discharge into groundwater from industries and from agricultural run-off according to Chang et al 4. Even so, the developed world suffers these health impacts of water pollution as well, especially in cities as a result of urbanization. This particular study will focus on discussing the health impacts of water pollution on the global scale. The discussion will focus on the definition of water pollution, its different causes, the health impacts and a clear critique of different literature on the changing environmental modifications bringing about the health impacts. This particular topic is of special interest as water continuous to be more scarce and yet more contaminated as a result of the ever increasing anthropogenic activities. The discussion will be imperative in highlighting the current state of water pollution and the different direct and indirect health impacts as a result of the related environmental modifications. Water pollution is one of the current concerns to environmental conservation and management agencies and health institutions by extension. It refers to the process of contaminating different water bodies including rivers, aquifers, groundwater, lakes and oceans as a result of different anthropogenic activities. It occurs particularly when different pollutants i.e. particles, substances and even chemicals get discharged into the water bodies both directly and indirectly without sufficient treatment. According to Moss 5, water pollution can either at point or non-point source or even trans-boundary and therefore the second most important environmental concern apart from air pollution. Water pollution can therefore be defined further as any change and/or modification of the environment physically, chemically and biologically which directly or indirectly changes the water properties and thus leading to detrimental health impacts on living things. Water covers about 70% of the surface of the Earth and forms one of the most basic resources for human survival on the planet as indicated by Hogan 2. A lot of developing countries have documented deaths as a result of inadequate portable water for drinking and for domestic purposes. Even so, the health impacts caused by water pollution do not only affect humans directly but indirectly too by negatively influencing the whole functionality of aquatic ecosystems. According to Wang et al 1 recent time has seen different councils, governments and organizations work continuously towards educating, protecting, restoring waterways and even encouraging individuals to prevent water pollution and protect water ecosystems. Health Effects of Water Pollution Water pollution results in the contamination of water which causes several diseases among them water borne diseases. According to Lengoasa 6 water borne diseases refer to different infectious diseases which are spread mainly through contact with or consumption of contaminated water. Despite the fact that these particular diseases can be spread by flies and through filth, it is clear that water is the main medium that enables the spread. Majority of intestinal diseases are very infectious and their transmission is by fecal waste in contaminated water. Pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoans parasitic worms and bacteria found in human fecal matter cause the various enteric diseases. In regard to Gasana 7, these particular diseases are very prevalent especially in areas that have poor sanitary conditions and therefore have contaminated water. The pathogens go through different sources of water while interfusing directly through food and water handlers. These diseases include amo ng others hepatitis, dysentery, paratyphoid fever, typhoid, cholera, bacillary and amoebic dysentery, and poliomyelitis and affect large populations especially within the tropical regions of the world. A part from the above microorganisms, a lot of chemicals which exist both naturally and others which are added as a result of anthropogenic activities dissolve in water and thus contaminating as indicated in Wang et al 1. This results in various disease conditions. Pesticides for instance contain organophosphates and carbonates which are both carcinogenic and damaging to the central nervous system in humans. Several pesticides comprise of carcinogenic compounds and chemicals which are beyond the recommended level as shown in Hogan 2. Chlorides in such pesticides also cause damage to the reproductive and the endocrine system. Heavy metals like Lead found in contaminated water is a dangerous health hazard as it damages the central nervous system and affect both adults and unborn babies. The most at risk individuals in regard to Lead effect include pregnant women and children. Fluorides are also harmful water contaminants as they result to yellowing teeth among affected individuals acco rding to Rowell et al 8. People living in areas that have Fluoride tend to have brownish and yellow teeth. They are also prone to damages to the spinal cord among other diseases that lead to crippling. According to Kim et al 11, water contaminated with Nitrates poses a risk to the population as they result to the blue baby syndrome. This disease condition occurs among infants who have been put on formula milk prepared with contaminated water. Nitrates restrict the oxygen levels reaching the brain and thus leading to the dreaded blue baby condition. They are also carcinogenic to the digestive tract apart from resulting in algal bloom and thus eutrophication in fresh surface water. Other hazardous water contaminants include petrochemicals and Benzene which are carcinogenic even in low level exposures as shown in Kponee et al 3. Petrochemicals are reported to contaminate groundwater especially from storage tanks of petroleum dug underground .On the other hand, water contaminated with Arsenic lead to poisoning resulting into damage to the liver and the nervous system. Arsenic also leads to vascular diseases and even skin cancer in exposed individuals. Salts also contaminate fresh water rendering it unusable. Disruption of the food-chain Water pollution like any other environmental modification interferes with the food chain as an indirect health impact to humans. Pollutants including Lead and Cadmium once consumed by some tiny animals which are later eaten by fish disrupts the food chain to the higher levels. In particular, over 100000 synthetic organic compounds being used today find their way into the aquatic environment as shown in Wang et al 1. They accumulate in aquatic organisms and thus interfere with the food chain. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are the most hazardous elements in the ecosystem and particularly to human health according to Kponee et al 3. These include industrial chemicals and/or agricultural pesticides which are added into freshwater sources. Large scale use of pesticides chemically contaminates groundwater relied upon by animals and humans. The population around such contaminated water bodies consumes poisoned sea food and end up developing diseases such as hepatitis. Consumption of sea food and other animals with high concentrations of harmful elements like arsenic result to adverse health effects. For instance, high arsenic concentrations that were discovered present in drinking water sources in about six districts of West Bengal led to skin lesions as described by Y 9. Even so, the pollution was found to have been caused by natural causes and therefore the government embarked on the approaches of removing the arsenic content. Water pollution such as oil spillages on seas lead to the death of aquatic animals, some of which are reliable food sources for humans. The release of untreated sewage among other untreated chemical effluents into water bodies renders the water bodies inhabitable for aquatic life. As a result of this contamination the sea animals die and end up at the nearby beaches dead. These include crabs, birds, sea gulls, fish, and dolphins, among others whose habitat is modified negatively and thus rendered harmful. According to Chang et al 4, an ecosystem refers to how living things interact and depend on each other in a given environment. The global ecosystems can however be modified and/or destroyed severely as a result of water pollution. Today a lot of areas are experiencing the impacts of careless anthropogenic water pollution, which in turn hurts back humans. For instance, Bhattacharya 10 indicates that run-off from agricultural farms, golf courses; back yards have pesticides including t he harmful DDT which eventually contaminate water sources. On the other hand leachate from different landfill sites in cities and rural areas forms another source of water pollution. The chemicals in this leachate affect the ecosystems as an indirect impact on humans but also lead to both endocrine and reproductive system problems among humans and the wildlife according to Kponee et al 3. These contaminants infuse into groundwater persist in their chemical compound forms to end up interfering with the ecosystems. Interpretation of the Findings on the Health Impacts of Water Pollution From the literature above, water pollution is mainly caused by anthropogenic activities which compromise the quality of water and thus result in problems to the ecosystems, death of dependent living things and diseases. A lot of areas for particularly have both contaminated surface and ground water as a result of heavy metal, POPs and nutrient infusion as shown in Hogan 2. These comprise of the main components that lead to diseases related to water pollution. Apart from poor management of water sources, it is evident that industries and individuals leaving their effluents to join the water sources untreated are part of the water pollution problem. According to Bhattacharya 10, there can be an assurance of safe water for all only when there is access to it, its sustainability and equity in regard to provision. The WHO has fostered different programs aimed at not only promoting access, sustainability and equity in the use of water resources but has also put in place related policies fo r government to take up this particular initiative. Generally on a global scale, urban areas boast of higher safe water sources coverage as compared to rural areas. These urban areas however experience water contamination as a result leaky joints on water pipes in areas that have sewer lines and water pipes close to each other as shown in Chang et al 4. In other occasions, water may get polluted at the main sources as a result of human activities and thus lead to the above harmful health impacts. The current approaches aimed at resolving environmental issues such as conservation fall within the jurisdiction of a number of local and international bodies. As mentioned earlier, water pollution is one of the major agendas in these particular programs. The world has learnt enough regarding the effects of water pollution starting the Mina Mata disease in Japan where individuals fed on sea food contaminated with inorganic mercury as described by Gasana 7. Since then, the Japanese government shut down the plant that was letting its wastes int o the nearby beach in order to prevent any future recurrences. In other areas, cholera outbreaks have occurred along river courses where people share a common water source and this has always brought about the need for continued surveillance and control of infectious diseases, particularly those that are water-based, water related and water-washed in nature. Conclusion In conclusion therefore, the above discussion highlights mainly the health impacts of water pollution globally. The study narrows down to the definition of water pollution, its different causes, the health impacts and a clear critique of different literature on the changing environmental modifications bringing about the health impacts. Among the different causes of water pollution as a type of environmental modification includes release of untreated industrial wastes into water bodies, release of untreated sewage, open dumping of domestic wastes in water bodies, agricultural run-off contaminated with fertilizers, and pesticides. Water pollution has led to water-borne diseases, death of aquatic animals some of which are food sources, negative effect on the ecosystems and further, disruption of the food chains. Among the diseases caused by the chemicals, nutrients and microorganisms within the water contaminants include yellowing of teeth, blue baby syndrome, central nervous system dam age, dysentery, cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid fever. The discussion has highlighted the current global state of water pollution and the different direct and indirect health impacts due to related environmental modifications. Water pollution can thus be prevented by relevant institutions according to Newton 12 through; public education on prevention measures; creation of preventive policies and their enforcement; governmental funding of prevention procedures including surveillance and control and further; creating a culture of cleanliness through behavior change programs in communities globally. Reference Wang, Q., Yang, Z. Industrial water pollution, water environment treatment, and health risks in China.Environmental Pollution. 2016. 218, 358-365. Hogan CM. "Water pollution.Encyclopedia of Earth.Topic ed. Mark McGinley; ed. in Chief C. Cleveland. National Council on Science and the Environment, Washington, DC. 2010. Kponee, K., Chiger, A., Kakulu, I., Vorhees, D., Heiger-Bernays, W. Petroleum contaminated water and health symptoms: a cross-sectional pilot study in a rural Nigerian community.Environmental Health. 2015. 14(1). Chang, H., Bonnette, M. Climate change and water-related ecosystem services: impacts of drought in California, USA.Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2016.2(12), e01254. Moss B. "Water Pollution by Agriculture"(PDF). Trans. Royal Society B.2008.363: 659666. Lengoasa, J. Climate Variability and Change: Impacts On Water Availability.Irrigation and Drainage,2016; 65(2), 149-156. Gasana, J. (2014). Water and Health.Air Water Borne Diseases,03(02). Rowell, C., Kuiper, N., Shomar, B. Potential health impacts of consuming desalinated bottled water.Journal of Water and Health. 2015. 13(2), 437. Y, K. Arsenic-Polluted Groundwater in Cambodia: Advances in Research.International Journal of Water and Wastewater Treatment. 2016 (ISSN 2381-5299),2(1). Bhattacharya, D. Large Volume Holding of Water at Surface is Potent Anti-Dote to Pollution and Health Hazards.Air Water Borne Diseases; 2017, 06(01). Kim, H., Park, S. (2016). Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Groundwater Highly Polluted with Nitrate in an Agricultural Area of Hongseong, Korea.Water,8(8), 345. Newton, D.Chemistry of the Environment. Checkmark Books.2008; ISBN0-8160-7747-9.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
An Overview Of The Gender Situation In The Philippines Essay Example
An Overview Of The Gender Situation In The Philippines Essay The socio-cultural traditions are clashing with the MET and cyberspace generation. The long history of colonialism has embedded a patriarchal culture among Filipinos. The conception of women as full-time homemakers, as subordinated to men, violence against them is private, as reserve labor force, and as sexual objects is now being eroded by modern women asserting themselves in many aspects of life. But on the other hand, some are either reorganized, discriminated, or even exploited by the harsh realities of global economy and consumerism. Both the changes and the inertia of traditions are the backdrop of a very active and dynamic womens movement. The Philippines is a main player in the international womens arena and this is anchored on a very vibrant local womens movement. Numerous organizations and Nags exist for the cause of gender equality and other related women issues. This puts the gender equality issues at the forefront Of national discourse and precludes further downslide of women status in the modern Philippine society. We will write a custom essay sample on An Overview Of The Gender Situation In The Philippines specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on An Overview Of The Gender Situation In The Philippines specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on An Overview Of The Gender Situation In The Philippines specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Indeed, there are many handles for the changes to happen. These legal and policy gains resulted from the strong voice of women that started even during the anti-dictatorship struggle that culminated with the ascension of Corcoran Aquinas as the first woman president of the country. The 1987 Constitution states two prominent provisions. The first in the Declaration of Principles Article II Section 14 which asserted that The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men. Additionally, the Article XIII-Labor: Section 14 provided that The state shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions taking into account their maternal functions, and such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation. Following from constitutional provisions and the subsequent efforts to broaden the its principles, numerous legislation were enacted that relates to the various aspects of women and gender concerns, The list include: Gender and Development Law (5% of government agencies budget is for gender concerns) Party-List Law (women as a particular sector for representation in the legislature through party-list elections) Anti-Sexual Harassment Law (defining SSH and providing mechanisms) Anti- Rape Law (elevation of rape as crime against person) Barraging Day Care Center Law (day care center for every village) Women in Nation-Building Law (allocation of budget for women from development funds from foreign governments and multilateral institutions) Anti Mail- Order-Bride Law (making the practice unlawful) Repatriation Law (repatriation of Filipinos who lost citizenship by marriage in case Of need) Non-Discrimination Law in Labor Code (women protection in hiring and pay) Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (equal rights for women to be recipients of land) Military Training equality (women can enter the military and police schools and providing facilities for them) While the legal framework is there, the actual situation mirrors the deep gender divide. In the aspect of women in politics, the notable success of overall women is overshadowed by the actual ground level statistics. The lady Vice-President is up to now a shoo-in in the next presidential elections in 2004. But the big picture shows that of all the elective positions occupied through the 1998 elections, only 15% are women. In the two-chamber Congress, the Senate (Upper House) has 17. 4% women membership (4 out of 23 seats) which the House of Representatives (Lower House) has 12. 4% (27 out of 217 seats). The first party-list elections in 1998 wherein sectors groups like women competed to get a maximum of 3 seats ere party in the House of Representativesresulted in the winning of one (1) seat for a single womens party. Five (5) Other womens party did not make the minimum votes required. At the local government level, women Provincial Governors constitute 17% while Vicegerents are at 1 1. 5% level. Among the City and Town Mayors, 14. 5% of them are women while the ranks of the Vice- Mayors are at low of 10. 8%. The labor force statistics show also a mixed picture. Since there was a notable finalization of the workforce in the past years, July 2000 figures showed that there are 1. 42 million unemployed women while there are 2. 31 million unemployed men. However, more women are taken in for labor flexibility arrangements especially in the big services sector like in retail trade. This leaves them exposed to employment insecurity and unfair compensation schemes. Women still accounts for 53% of the unpaid family workers while they constitute only 37. 7% of the wage and salary earners. Though this shows that the regular income possibilities for women are still limited, the average household annual income of female-headed families is higher. The situation also pushes them to seek employment overseas. Increasing numbers of domestic helpers and entertainers are also being deployed both legally and illegally. Within organizations, the gender balance is under overhaul. Trade union leadership is still male-dominated but women committees and affirmative actions have changed the complexion of decision-making.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
20 Topics on Consumer Behavior for a Critical Thinking Essay
20 Topics on Consumer Behavior for a Critical Thinking Essay Thinking critically about consumer behavior and producing a strong essay on the subject is a tough challenge. It involves studying marketing principles, human psychology and the complex attitudes which influence buyer decisions. However, the challenging factor multiplies if you had left things up to the last minute. As a result, the simple task of coming up with a title for your essay will be problematic. Do not worry though; the following lines are here to help. Here is a list of 20 topics which will help you write a great critical thinking essay on consumer behavior. You can use these as is or merge two inter-related ones if you think you can do them justice. You can also use these 20 titles for inspiration and come up with your own unique topic. Using Unorthodox Marketing Channels in Brand Building Relying on Celebrity Endorsement as a Marketing Strategy A Comparative Analysis of the Buying Habits of Men and Women Building Brand Loyalty: Challenges, Theories and Success Stories Psychological Factors Which Influence Consumer Choice How Studying Consumer Behavior Can Help Companies Predict Future Trends The Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Today’s Constantly Evolving Markets Understanding the Digitally Hyper-Connected Generation Z Consumers How the Internet Changed Consumer Behavior Cultural Diversity and Consumer Behavior: Highlighting the Impact and Major Concerns The Differences and Similarities of B2B and B2C Marketing The Emergence and Importance of Brand Personalities Important Factors to Consider When Creating Advertising Campaigns The Role of Personality Variables in a Consumer’s Buying Decisions Analysis of Strategies Used to Alter Consumer Attitudes The Growing Impact of Internet Marketing on Consumer Behavior The Impact of a Store’s Environment on Consumer Behavior The Era of Adaptive Customer Experience: How Relevancy and Personalization of Buying Experience Helps Build Brand Loyalty Regaining Consumer Trust after Business Disasters: The Lessons Learned from Businesses The Role of Consumer Insights in Making Marketing More Effective A word of advice: these topics have a broad scope. Though it would have been much easier for us to come up with narrow topics, we focused on broader perspectives to easily customize each topic. To effectively narrow down the scope: Focus on a specific impact factor. Narrow down according to a company. Restrict your topic to a particular country or region. Focus on one population generation. Sample Critical Thinking Essay: The Impact of a Store’s Environment on Consumer Behavior Not long ago, consumers used to focus simply on products functions or attributes before selecting a place to shop at. This has changed recently as now consumers demand added beneficial elements. This is especially true considering the fact that today’s buyers understand how much brands need their businesses. One aspect which they desire the most is a pleasant atmosphere as they shop. Realizing this growing demand, today’s retailers are working harder than ever to integrate convenience into their stores’ surroundings and to ensure huge spaces that spare consumers from feeling stuck or confined as they shop. By definition, atmosphere is a term used to explain consumers’ feelings towards the shopping experience. It can also be described as a design which produces emotional effects on the buyer, enhancing their purchasing probability. Based on these definitions, it is safe to say that an attractive and impressive atmosphere has the power to create an enjoyable experience among consumers, positively affecting their buying decisions and incurring retailers more revenue. There are a set of factors which contribute to the effectiveness of a retail store’s atmosphere. A majority, if not all, should be present to ensure consumers a good shopping experience and keep them captivated enough to come back for more in the future. First off, cleanliness is vital for the atmosphere of the store. Customers are bound to create negative word of mouth if they notice even the slightest speck on product displays or floors. This is because cleanliness of outlets portrays a brand’s dedication to comfort and luxury. Music is another factor that can make or break a retail store’s atmosphere. The sounds can impact consumers’ conscious and unconscious decisions. Styles and tempos of music can influence consumers to buy more at retail outlets. Moreover, pleasant music can lengthen consumption time whereas loud music will drive them away. As music selections and their sound levels differ based on gender as well, stores need to put much thought into what they play in order to ensure buyers of a great environment. Appearances are also taken into consideration while shopping in traditional stores. Contributing to this factor are lighting, colors used, and displays/layout. Lighting goes beyond highlighting products to generating excitement and positively impacting consumer purchasing behavior. Consumers tend to touch products when good lighting shines on them to assess quality. Color is also important for building feelings and affecting consumer attitudes as it has the power to stimulate memories, thoughts, and experiences. For instance, red tends to portray negativity and tension, which is why it is hardly used in comparison with greens and blues. Finally, products are displayed in a way that attracts customers to make impulse purchases. In fact, design and display of products contribute one fourth sales of the outlets. Unfortunately, not many store owners understand the value of the atmosphere and its impact on consumer behavior. As a result, they remain stagnant and refuse to change. On the other hand, some stores make wrong decisions that cost them their clientele. Therefore, this is one aspect that needs to be tackled with care so that stores can truly reap benefits. Of course, you can come up with a better essay since you understand the subject well and have your instructor’s guidelines in mind. So, go on and write a critical thinking essay before your deadline. References: Peterson, H. (2016). Millennials Are Old News - Here’s Everything You Should Know About Generation Z. Business Insider. Retrieved 26 March 2016, from Priest, J., Carter, S., Statt, D. (2016). Consumer Behaviour (1st ed.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh Business School. Retrieved from Solomon, M. (1999). Consumer behaviour. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Yarrow, K. Decoding the new consumer mind. Schiffman, L.G. (1993), Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall International, London. Schwartz, Barry (2004), The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, Ecco, New York. Elizabeth A. Minton, Lynn R. Khale (2014). Belief Systems, Religion, and Behavioural Economics. New York: Business Expert Press LLC.ISBN 978-1-60649-704-3. 5 Things Every Marketer Should Know About Mobile Commerce. (2016). comScore, Inc. Retrieved 28 March 2016, from Nielsen,. (2016). The Mobile Consumer-A Global Snapshot. Nielsen. Retrieved from Sorofman, J., Polk, J., Newbold-Knipp, K. (2016). Digital Commerce Primer for 2016. Retrieved 28 March 2016, from
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Multinational Culture and Development of a Dominant Market Player Essay
Multinational Culture and Development of a Dominant Market Player - Essay Example Rather, the process is much more akin to a learning curve through which each and every organization/firm/company must contend. Due to this non-uniformity, each and every firm experiences different levels of success with their attempts to make the difficult transition from that of a successful firm to that of a fledgling multinational. However, it can be argued that if there were such a thing as a single determinant that expressly assured a degree of multinational success it would be those companies that retain a healthy and vibrant culture that pervades every sector of their company and product/service offerings (Lashinsky 2005, p. 80). Such a statement will, of course, be corroborated by this analysis; however, even cursory examinations of a litany of multinational corporations that have succeeded share this common denominator towards eventual success. Moreover, the degree to which Sony focuses its energies on innovation and product development/change will also be discussed. Finally , a thorough examination of the ways in which company culture serve as a type of feedback loop into the items that have previously been listed, compounding, reinforcing, and encouraging the firm to even higher exemplifications of business success will be discussed and analyzed.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
What Is The Primary Teacher's Perspective of History in the National Essay
What Is The Primary Teacher's Perspective of History in the National Curriculum today in Keystage 1 - Essay Example Government policy (both conservative and Labour)has been bitterly criticised for providing a system which is either too elitist or insufficiently so, wasteful of human resources, which is insufficiently demanding of the nation’s children, or which simply fails to compete with the education systems of other industrialised countries. During their long period of government the Conservatives sought to eliminate some of this criticisms in accordance with their political philosophy. The results have been mixed and controversial. On coming into office Labour made education its priority for fundamental transformation. It said it wished to avoid the ideological warfare of previous administrations. The controversy surrounding education results partly from particular historical developments, briefly described below, but also from awareness that the broad mass of schools perform less well than their counterparts in other industrialised countries. New laws have been introduced to implement the Government’s education reforms, the most significant of which are the Educational reforms Act 1988, the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and the Education Acts of 1993 and 1994. promote value for money through the local or devolved management of schools by delegating responsibility for budget and management decisions directly to school level for all primary, secondary and special schools; build on the success of city technology colleges in urban areas and establish a network of technology colleges to provide free secondary education with a strong bias towards science, technology and mathematics; improve teaching quality, notably through the introduction of teacher appraisal and by reforms in teacher training to focus on practical skills in the classroom, to ensure that the National Gallery is taught adequately; The National Curriculum was introduced in all state
Monday, January 27, 2020
Analysis Of LOreal Garnier Maybelline Products
Analysis Of LOreal Garnier Maybelline Products 1. Introduction The rising style of industrialization and developing expertise in interaction and shipment allow the clients to retrieve and interpret a large diversity of goods and facilities from other nations. The fact that clients frequently assess the overseas goods differently in contrast to local goods has been discovered by prior investigations (Wang et al., 2004). It has been stated that clients of progressed nations prefer locally manufactured goods as against foreign made ones (Bilkey Nes, 2002) while users from progressing nations favour foreign products over locally made ones (Wang et al., 2004). The idea behind this being that they consider foreign goods to be of superior quality in contrast to local goods and also individuals equate using overseas products as being a status symbol or as being fashionable. The number of users in developed nations for example India or China are more in number and have access to goods that are manufactured in western or developed countries. In such a competitive environment, vendors essentially need to understand the reasons behind users of developing nations selecting goods of other countries imported or domestic. Client choices related to specific creations must be considered not to be a string of unlinked and independent options, these choices involve equations between personal, items or creations state Hogg and Michell (2006). It is accepted that one needs to comprehend client conduct in context to both domestic and foreign goods as overseas marketing is fast becoming an essential part of the global financial systems (Netemeyer et al., 2001). Several investigations related to this subject are centered on what are the name and the location of belonging influence; investigate the way how clients scrutinize goods introduced from specific countries. Older studies which have investigated the location of belonging influence have scrutinized item kinds such as different cars, footwear, video players and groceries for clients located in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, and the USA and several others (Ahmed and dAstous, 2006 and Elliott and Cameron, 2004). Several researchers in Europe have examined the influence of the place of origin on selection viewpoints (Ettenson, 2003; Liefeld et al., 2006), good representation (Peris et al., 2003), client outlooks, and the produced in Europe notion (Schweiger et al., 2005), client viewpoint and the created in Europe concept. The development and sustenance of the local manufacturing segment in noninterventionist economy depends on how clients like the goods manufactured in that particular country. Local manufacturers face tough competition from many foreign products which have made their mark globally. This is especially relevant in emerging countries whose manufacturing is restricted to primary products. It is in such nations that the development of manufacturing sectors faces hurdles as clients prefer using foreign goods from developed nations as against domestic ones or ones from lesser developed countries (Ettenson 2003). The twenty first century is witnessing the usage of extravagant products (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009) though the number of firms marketing extravagant goods is very low (Uche Okwonko, 2007). All individuals desire lavish goods especially as far as fashionable goods are concerned. Despite the era of industrial revolution, the first or second world wars or liberalization the past centuries have observed that several opulent brands have made their mark globally. The era of internationalization has resulted in the availability of several sources of opulence. This is the result of the role played by growth of businesses, financial systems, new businesses, rise in spending by people and even interactions. This is evident by the fact there are reputed Japanese luxury brands in European countries which employ Chinese silk as raw substance for manufacturing goods (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009). This has resulted in people globally being aware of the international fashion brands. The current days have seen the diminishing of societal division. However individuals are yet likely to differentiate class in community by the leader and individuals who are wealthy like to display their wealth and opulent lifestyle. Thus luxury has begun to indicate superior choice and money which every individual desires. One of the emerging nations from which several products of different nations are imported is UAE. 2006 saw the import value touch 125,975 million US dollars which is expected to touch 137,943 million US dollars by 2007 (World Bank 2007, as quoted in Chaisitthiroj, 2007). Studies undertaken previously deduced that the approach towards international products as against local brands was more affirmative as they considered global brands to be of superior quality (Masayavanij, 2007. This was in line with the investigation undertaken by Cengiz Kirkbir (2007) which concluded that people in emerging nations consider overseas goods to be of superior quality and more dependable as against locally manufactured goods. Simultaneously another investigation related to UAE client approach and outlook related to international as against local clothes deduced that UAE individuals prefer foreign clothes on account of their better resiliency, quality, good looks, fashionable appearance, and brand name and style because they are made in nations that have advanced expertise. As a result, UAE clients prefer to buy foreign clothes (Sae-Jiu, 2007). Another study also deduced that UAE clients considered overseas brands to be much better in terms of quality and worth for money as against local clothes (Suvachart, 2002) and the nature of UAE clients is such that they emphasize on quality and prefer to pay more for foreign brands. Thus, foreign brands significantly influence the outlook and conduct of UAE clients. Ukpebor and Ipogah (2008) opine that a strong brand is likely to improve a clients approach power related to the product linkage of a brand. As Vranesevic and Stancec (2003), have asserted the significance of a brand is evident by how it influences the clients options and their allegiance by recognizing and distinguishing not only quality and source but by developing augmented worth. One of the advance policies is that a strong brand can seize the attention of a client. In emerging countries, clients have specific anticipations from the brands are inclined to depend on the brand as a mark to buy goods (Reardon et al., 2005). Despite, the luxury segment being tiny in contrast to other firms globally, the luxury fashion segment has been a multi-billion dollar segment globally. It is important in driving the economy and impacting the contemporary society. Chadha and Husband (2006) further stated that the democratization of luxury brands in the nineties allowed common man to access fashionable goods. Also one can find luxury present at every place in the current times (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009). 2. Problem Statement Overseas goods are frequently evaluated in a different manner as compared to parallel domestic products by users (Herche, 2002). The location of belonging influence research undertaken in majority of developed countries has pointed out that if information related to a product is insufficient then users choose domestic branded articles in lieu of global goods (Bilkey and Nes, 2002). Clients often form opinions related to the standard of the apparel based on the mannequin wearing clothes (Dickerson, 2002). To be specific, the outlook of criteria associated with imported clothes was not regarded to be as important. However, there appears to be a direct relation amongst evaluations of evaluation of domestic products and the norm of monetary development of the location of belonging (Gaedeke, 2003). On the other hand, a contrasting style of location of belonging investigations can often be viewed in lesser developed nations where clients really select imported goods in contrast to locally manufactured ones (Agbonifoh and Elimimian, 2009). This is more likely to be seen in situations when imported products are related to evident buys (Marcoux et al., 2007; Piron, 2000). Clients often buy and use luxurious foreign goods to keep up with the joneses or baffle others instead of the monetary aspect or real application of the products (Mason, 2001). This has not been limited to the affluent section of the society but can be witnessed across the entire society and income divisions including the poor and the rich (Mason, 2001; Basmann et al., 2008).This is evident by fashionable apparel are ones which are noticeable and also a mark of standing in society (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2004). As has been put forth by Chaisitthiroj (2007), the beauty segment is one sector in the market that clients have several options of imported goods and they are regarded to be well-known for beauty clients. This is evident in UAE as their lifestyles are transforming and becoming more contemporary thanks to the growth and this is visible more so as far as UAE women who reside in the urban regions are concerned (Chaisitthiroj, 2007). Presently, they pay attention to how they look as they consider buying cosmetic goods an extension of their personality. In the words of Cash et al. (2009 as quoted in Guthrie et al., 2008), ladies using beauty products are more contented with how they look including their general appearanceand deem themselves to be more beautiful compared to their friends when they have their makeup on. When this investigation was undertaken, UAE was grappling with an economic recession (Bangkok Bank, 2009). Despite the recession, the cosmetic segment has withnessed continous uptrend (growth) (US. commercial service 2008). A tiny role of the cause lies in the fact that beauty brand asset are crucial drivers. It was asserted by Drucker (2005), that during economic recession, people spend money cautiously, so beauty firms depend on promotion and brand name identification to gain revenues.Additionally, the usage of marketing mediums in several novel mediums including internet improves the brand exposure to an extended set of likely clients (Kumar et al., 2006). On the other hand, it has been asserted by Suvachart (2001) that UAE clients have the attribute of being innovators who are likely to shift to new brands or goods thus indicating they are not really brand committed. Additionally, when Speece (2008) studied brand commitment of clients located in Bangkok, it was discovered that only 80-85 percent were committed to brand to goods which required low participation and did not depicted solitary brand commitment. The investigators discovered that there was a lack of research related to UAE clients outllok and conduct related to imported makeup goods which is one of the significantly developing market industries in UAE (Wiwutwanichkul, 2007). The subsequent segment will discuss details related to the UAE cosmetic market to offer a general view of the exisitng market scenario and the reason behind undertaking the research will be discussed. 3. Research Purpose The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of brand on consumer purchasing decision of foreign makeup product. The outcome of the research would be beneficial to marketing professionals especially in UAE cosmetics-makeup industry to understand the target consumer-whether brand equity affect their purchasing decision. To what extent the brand equity lie in their purchasing will be investigated as it will help foreign brand marketer to see their strengths and weaknesses in their use of brand equity and can improve their performance accordingly. At the same time, the research can assist domestic marketers to adapt the knowledge to their marketing plan and activities to satisfy customers and provide the offerings based on the factual consumers needs. 4. Research Questions To fulfill the aim and purpose of this study, the authors have formulated the research questions by relying on the background and problem statement as the following: If and how the personal value, social recognition, and demographic impacts UAE customers for their luxury fashion brand purchases and which marketing strategies should be used to suit their purchasing intention? 5. Research Aims The aim of this research is to identify the influences of brands and its assets on consumers purchase decision. According to the above discussion, quantitative method was chosen as it best fits the nature and purpose of this study that attempts to understand UAE consumers behaviour in making decision to buy makeup products. Hence, a questionnaire-based survey is selected as the major tool in data collection of the study. 6. Literature Review The prior research international brands in the up-and-coming market economies were favoured by the several consumers, along with having a superior class their status is contrast with the local goods as explained by Graham (2004) and Sterngold (2002). India is included among these several consumers in the markets, international brand goods were buying and possess by the rising upper class as mentioned by Cui Li during 2001. According to Arnold Quelch, (2008) and Batra (2007), the product worth among the local brands was identified by the investigators as well as they also pointed out that the consumers in up-and-coming market economies will end up stylishly. In these nations the increasing patriotism and domestic industries will be created by the host governments as explained by Klein (2002), Prahalad Lieberthal (2008). In the up-and-coming markets the international brands hostile response will be ultimately result by the altering utilization styles as given in these forecasts. Thi s matter is validated by McKinsey published report despite identification acknowledge the international brands, local brands were favoured by Chinese consumers and instead of imported brands they have faith on local brands as stated by Dyer (2007). In these markets for transnational firms functioning there is an important inference of fake alarm or unavoidable inclination is there. The globes financial systems constant globalization is considered and up-and-coming market consumers significance is with domestic organizations and transnational firms, closer investigation were needed for the selection between international and local brands in these financial systems by consumers. In the up-and-coming markets information related to the option of consumers for international and domestic brands stays insufficient. If India is illustrated for international brands penchant were identified by many investigators as on non-probability samples and perceptual measures they depend. for international brands asserted penchant, on domestic brands real buying the latest investigations depends like exaggeration of penchants and domestic brands were majorly buyed by the Chinese consumers as mentioned by Cui Liu (2001); Kwok (2006). Between Chinese consumers preference of international as against domestic brands were influenced by other aspects as proposed by the difference betwe en real conducts and asserted penchants. International and local brands real buying pattern have been contrasted by a small number of investigations in this huge up-and-coming market for deliberating the condition of brand competition. When domestic market situations and good divisions impacts were discovered, among the city consumers in India the preference of international and local brands investigated in this studies and in the up-and-coming market extreme competition between local and international brands. On brand insights and preferences the existing literature is reassess by us and consumers options in up-and-coming markets and several investigative queries were suggested. Secondly, in four main Indian cities that depends on extensive consumer investigation, across several durable and nondurable goods types the buying patterns of local and international brands were analysed by this research. Across good types and geographic markets the international brands differ greatly in buying and possessions as proposed by outcomes. Specific good types were controlled by international brands, in consumables and durable goods the base is acquired by local brands as in the city markets it goes ahead, for consumers share the current war were emphasized. In brand management and marketing policies for both international and local organizations the propositions has been discovered by us. Brand Kotler (2002) states in the product line were one of more items were associated as it is used for identifying the character source of the items is termed as brand. According to Doyle (2002) brand is a specific name, design or symbol or its combination a product is differentiated by this. For every product an ordinary feature is the brand which nowadays is available on the market. Each brand specialty is the different value in the potential buyers mind. According to Gordon (2003), McEnally and de Chernatony (2009) differentiation is enhanced by the image and reputation of a strong brand on buying behavior it has a positive influence. Powerful brands significance is seen by the marketers and for building up a strong brand as shown in all efforts. Familiarity and credibility is the meaning of brand for customers as in their everyday life some contacts were experienced by them; so as an indicator brand is used for making a decision while buying new product as stated by Ger (2003). The determinants of product quality is the causal signs that is regarded by brands as it depends if quality is truly determined by intrinsic attributes and processes as mentioned by Stijn (2000). According to Aaker (2002), in the mind of consumers the familiarity and credibility creates value towards firm, by brand equity use it can be enforced: perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand associations. Consumer behavior Consumers studies the consumer behavior as for a product or service they exchange value as it satisfies their needs as stated by Well Prensky (2006, p.5). Schiffman Kanuk (2000, p.5) mentions that how for spending their available resources that is time, money, effort an individual makes its decision is focused by the consumer behavior study on items related to consumption. With buying consumer behavior consists people experience of feelings, thoughts and their performed action. Environment influences like product appearances, comments taken from other customers, packages, consumers physical actions and advertising were involved. Consumer decision making The decision making behavior of consumer consists five basic steps. As per most of the researchers these steps are within the same field (Cross 2009). These steps are inclusive of model; problem recognition, process of information search, alternatives evaluation, process of purchase along with post-purchase. However, it is not necessary that all purchased need every step (Cross 2009). It is up to the consumer to skip the alternatives evaluation while considering low involvement products. As per Hawkins et al. (2001) there are diversified sides than the process of decision making that are subject to affect consumer behavior that are relevantly external and are internal with influences. All the external influences are kind of social class added by reference group. The internal factors can be noted as exposure, motivation, perception, attention and attitude. Purchase decision All kinds of purchase decisions are integral to the process of consumer decision making structure. There are specific two prior stages; information search and aspect of evaluation of alternatives considered by the consumer consecutive act to reach stage of purchase decision added by the effects of brands in those stages. After the phase of problem recognition, consumer shifts to the stage of information search and seek information about the quality, price, brand, country of origin and similar issues as per their motivation. Information search can get conducted as a kind of internal search by the consumers past through indirect or direct experience for the product added by external search by marketing materials or different social groups or reference groups. For Hoyer and MacInnis (2007, p.200), the image of brands are actually affected in terms of internal as well as external search for information. For internal search, the respective consumers can recall brands, whereas for external search, they tend to look into availability over shelf while purchasing or suggestion collected from salesperson affecting their purchase. This follows evaluation of alternatives that the customers usually have to single out. Brand equity too gets consideration. Alternatives of products are taken into consideration in th e customers set of desire. As for instance, brand awareness, where the customer remembers exact brands for specific quality product, he picks the brand immediately. After selection made at evaluation among alternative stage, purchase decision comes in, where concerns are related to the selection of specific product in specific retail outlet added by the amount of purchase. 7. Research Methodology In this research, both qualitative as well as quantitative methodologies are considered. Individual answers will be included through questionnaire added by survey questionnaire. These are believed to be effective means to fulfill dissertation objectives. Process of qualitative investigation mode enables the subject to get analyzed and offer vivid as well as dependent replies that are enquired by researcher in the way of providing constructive as well as comprehensive information that other techniques can overlook. This approach offers significant data by answers to research queries in balancing research techniques that are quantitative in structure. Through quantitative process the research data is collected on the basis of different factors that can get measured for patrons activities. Quantitative method relies over statistical analysis. As some parts of the theory are analysed and calculated, there is the end resultant that is numeric and objectivity results derived of them are th e resource led out of corrective recommendations. For Kuhn (2001) numbers record exodus from different presumptions and is the skill that never gets replicated through qualitative method added this exodus gets sufficient to start the investigation. Aim of this research is based on identifying the influences of brands added by the assets led over consumers purchase decision. Thus quantitative method is selected as it best fits specific nature as well as purpose of the study, which attempts to understand particular behavior of UAE consumers in making purchase decision for makeup products. Thus a questionnaire-based survey is conducted as a major tool in the process of data collection for this study. Both the standards are based on numeric studies. Questionnaires as well as intensive interactions are used as they are all impactful in their approach and manner for completing the aims of this study. There were four interactions performed in India added by 150 questionnaire further will be distributed among different individuals. Questionnaires will be distributed at shopping malls as well as luxury outlets. Participants who have got past over the elimination aspects or are proven as luxury customers will be quizzed. Their responses will be used in the research. Collected information will be analysed through statistical tests under the assistance of SPSS. In order to comprehend the declarations of the respondents, all the questionnaires will be translated specifically into Arabic added by English version. Determination of attributes is inclusive of conjoint analysis, as pretest will be managed among separate sample that is of 30 respondents in order to assure validity towards the questionnaire. Respondents will be asked to answer the selected questionnaires, and that follows the discussion about the questions that were obscured, like the one on whether they can comprehend the meaning of the questions or if there is ambiguity. Finally, questionnaire gets distributed. Questionnaire design Questionnaire design will be structured to collect demographic information related to respondents as per their age. Information related to social class is inclusive of occupation, education and income, (as in questions like 1, 2, 3, and 4) by multiple choice questions. As per Fisher (2007) this kind of questions offer the respondents with choices among 3-5 options and interrogate them to choose any one. These questions also do not allow unambiguous options and are mutually exclusive. Application of multiple choice questions for the study respondents behavior for purchasing in questions like 5 to attain frequency for purchasing makeup products. The question 6 looks into the amount of money that get spent on buying makeup and lastly, question 7 is about respondents type of makeup products bought mostly. Lastly, as per the Likert scales gets applied to ask respondents for their opinions added by attitudes to choose a position in the five-point scale that represents between strongly agre e to strongly disagree (Fisher, 2007, pp.200-200). Likert scale gets applied to the questions from 8-26 for studying respondents attitude for brands and purchase decisions.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
An Eminent Threat to the Planet Essay
Global warming is certainly a danger that threatens our society. While it may not drastically affect this generation, if things keep going as they are, future generations will have to deal with the problems that people are presently causing. Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases Global warming refers to an overall increase in the temperature of the earth. This is due emissions of greenhouse gases, which are essentially pollutants which damage the earth’s ability to maintain itself when they are released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a particularly common greenhouse gas that is emitted by the activities people all of the time. An overload of these gases prevents the ability of the atmosphere to absorb some of the rays from the sun, as the ozone layer is damaged. Fossil fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and kerosene release fumes into the atmosphere that damage the atmosphere’s ability to regulate the earth’s temperature by allowing and preventing solar rays from reaching the surface. Climate Change and seal Level Rise Although current climate change is best represented by more extreme temperatures (higher high temperatures in the summer, and lower lows in the winter), ultimately the earth is expected to warm up. Many scientists have hypothesized that within the next century, the earth may warm by up to two degrees Fahrenheit. Although this does not seem like a lot, it could cause the melting of the outer layers of Antarctic ice, which would cause a rise in sea level by up to a few feet over the course of the next century. But the rate of global warming is expected to increase, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. If this occurs, and due to the expansion of Antarctic ice and the melting of some ice caps, sea level could rise by several feet, which would have devastating consequences. Life as we know it would be completely altered by any significant rise in sea level. Because water allows for trade and transportation, most major communities are built close to the coast of continents, rather than the interiors. That being said, if sea level was to rise so much as ten feet, many cities would be completely destroyed. Miami, Florida would have to be evacuated, as would most of the towns within fifty miles of the United States Gulf Coast. Much of the land in the Caribbean would be submerged, as would many islands in the South Pacific, and even some areas in Europe, such as the Netherlands. How Our Current Activities are Causing Global Warming Although exact measurements of the rate of the rise in temperature and thus, sea level are presently immeasurable, the way human beings are living today will certainly ensure that they will be significant. People are causing more emissions of environmentally and atmospherically dangerous gases than ever before, and we do not seem like we are going to stop any time soon. More cars are on the road, more airplanes are in the air, and more boats, including large freighters and barges are in the water than ever before, and as the planet’s population increases, so will the amount and volume of our emissions of dangerous gases. If we intend to hinder global warming in any way, we have to realize that our present course is not environmentally friendly, and it will lead to a rise in temperature (and a greater abundance of pollutants). We need to invest in clean fuels, and even though researching alternatives to our current fuels will be costly, it is well worth it in the long run, because global warming is a fast way to destroy our planet. References U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 2009. http://www. epa. gov/climatechange/emissions/index. html U. S. Department of State. Climate Change and Overview. 2009. http://www. state. gov/g/oes/rls/rpts/car/90312. htm
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Leadership Styles and Characteristics Essay
Discuss two styles of leadership and five characteristics of an effective leader. A leader is one who has the knowledge understanding, confidence and communication skills to lead or drive their followers to a particular goal. Everyone cannot be a leader; followers are needed to get things done. An autocratic leader is one who makes all the decisions regarding his/her followers; its either their way or no way. People that are new to the company in which this leadership resides may need this style in order to become effective are their job, as this type of leadership is very detailed in the things they want done. In the event this leader needs to make a very important and swift decision, they do not sit and listen to everyone’s opinion like a democratic leader; this leader has to rely on their own capabilities as an effective leader. In situations that are stressful and there is a deadline that has to be met most people would rather an autocratic leader, so that they can focus on the work rather than deal with complex situations. On the other hand the people that follow this leader may rebel or become irritable towards the leader; this can then cause strikes and maybe even acts of violence. People in general like to have a voice or be heard regarding an issue involving them; once you take that away a negative impact may occur. An autocratic leadership may have a lack of creativity as there is only one person making the decisions. This type of leadership can be used effectively when the leader is the most knowledgeable than the other group members. A laissez-fare leader is a little more laid back than the autocratic leader as this style of leadership gives full power to the staff to make decisions and rely on their own abilities. The followers of this style usually are able to handle the company themselves as they are experienced and equipped to do so. This leader has no choice but to trust his/her staff since the leader may not be easy to contact. Sometimes the leader is needed and cannot be found, this can send confusion and paranoia throughout the company; this usually happens because the leader doesn’t know their responsibilities so they allow the staff to cover for them. Some people cannot disciple themselves enough to set their own deadlines for completion of necessary projects, this can cause a decline in productivity for the group. An effective leader must be able to set a good example for their followers. Certain leaders, like that of a president or leader of a country are constantly watched so a positive example must always be apparent. By showing endurance in certain situations, whether it be mental or physical, you can inspire others to do the same. Leaders should always have a pleasing personality. No one wants to follow someone who is negative about every situation, so a good personality should always shine through. This personality should appeal to both male and female followers. Telling your followers how much of a good job their doing can increase productivity and prove positive for the group. A good communicator is not only good at speaking but they should be good at listening; which is another characteristic of an effective leader. To be able to not only understand what your followers are saying but to have the ability to paraphrase in short terms can also be effective. A good leader is in tune with their followers. They are involved in every aspect of the project from the beginning to end; they have no problem rolling up their sleeves and getting dirty but still have the ability to set themselves apart from the pack and be an effective leader. Leaders should be intelligent, skilled and qualified for their position. If you have less qualifications than your followers this could pose a problem if they were to find out. When you look up to someone usually they have more knowledge or a strong educational background with experience to back it up.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Chinese Religion in the Age of Science - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 621 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/11 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Science vs Religion Essay Did you like this example? I have always wondered how science and religion are related. As the course progresses, I have come to the understanding that God is the main source of the existence of science and religion. Chinese religion and science see God in all things. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Chinese Religion in the Age of Science" essay for you Create order Every religion and its science have an influencer or teacher that gains followers. Smith, writer of the excerpts on Confucianism, did a great job in explaining Confucius as the First Teacher although there were other teachers before him. He talked about how Confucius was a supreme editor of Chinese culture. Confucius was a man prepared to instruct in history, mathematics, music, government, sports, divination, and propriety (Smith, 2). To my understanding, Confucius was destined by God to be the before mentioned occupations. This leads to my question of how one can discover their purpose. Smith later talks about the Five Constant Relationship and how it is vital to society. The Five Constant Relationship are ruler and subject; husband and wife; parent and child; elder sibling and young sibling; elder friend and younger friend (Smith, 12). These relationships work reciprocally. The ruler must be an exemplar to its subjects since the ruler is the bridge to Heaven. Family relationships are crucial in Confucianism. (Class notes, October 30,2018). Parents have a great influence on a child and have the duty of raising a responsible child. Such relationships enforce or instills morals on the child. This type of relationship is the beginning of a child walking the right path and doing right. Doing right and walking the path of righteousness is the term ren. It was interesting to read from Murata the three domains of human knowledge which are Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism primarily focuses on human acting right and morally. Murata later mentions the goal of the Confucian tradition to â€Å"become worthy of the title ru†(Murata, 83). I was able to gain a better understanding of ren and according to Confucius, ren is a single quality that brings all the essentials of human nature together. A person without ren is seen insincere and only works for his personal interest. I do hope that I can achieve ren and be a person of integrity, loyalty and faithful. The unity of human nature allows one to see God in all things since God is one and whole. Humans are parts of the whole (God). Parts of a whole needs balance in order to function and fulfill their purpose properly. Taoism is the esoteric dimension of Chinese Tradition and the foundation of cosmology. The Tao is the divine essence of living a moral life. According J.C Cooper, a Taoist’s aim is to attain the balance of the yin and yang. The yin and yang are also known as the Two Great Powers, â€Å"the two poles between which all manifestation takes place†. (Cooper,1). This balance and harmony must be achieved in one’s life and in the world. The word â€Å"Tao†or the â€Å"Way†is employed from Taoism and Confucianism. I found it interesting that the yin-yang has to be appreciated at all different levels. The yin is the mother aspect whiles the yang is the father aspect. The mother aspect consists of mercy and wisdom whiles the father aspect consists of justice and method. Yin-yang brings about peace and quality in oneself and the world. In conclusion, the possession of Taoism and Confucianism makes a balanced world. Both concepts may be completely different from each other but works in harmony with nature and not conquer the other. It also maintains equilibrium instead of the destructing equilibrium. I hope that humans in this world learn to perform their individual functions and do them well to permit and promote the vision of God in all things.
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